Monday 13 January 2014

Fresh Start

So today is the start of big changes in our house. The whole place needs a good declutter and needs to be organised. We seemed to have acquired so much stuff over the last year and its crazy. We don't need half of it and its just taking up valuable space.
I started today by organising my wardrobe into a store, donate and keep pile. My donate pile isn't huge because a lot of what i'm storing away is maternity wear. I'm going to start sorting my wardrobe out every six months and anything that hasn't been worn in that time will be being donated. I seem to develop sentimental attachments to clothes. Like if someone bought it for me or if it reminds me of a special time I will want to keep it whether I wear it or not. This needs to stop otherwise i'll be swamped with clothes.
Today is also about starting to eat healthier! I want to get back in shape, not necessarily loose a lot of weight but just to feel fit again. I also need to set a better example for Livvy with my eating habits. I've over indulged so much over Christmas, New Year and my birthday and now I just feel so groggy.
I'm using My Fitness Pal to track my calories through the day as I find it really helps me stay focused. Its not limiting. Its not telling me I can't have certain foods. Its just teaching me to make better choices when it comes to my food intake.
Over the next few weeks i'll be working my way around the house and getting all the little jobs done that I have been putting off. We only have two  rooms left to decorate but that will be a while off so I want to work on making the rooms that are done stay nice and organised. I can't wait to be able to decorate Livvy's playroom so we can move the bulk of her toys upstairs. Our living room looks like a Toys R Us store. Don't get me wrong i'm not one of those people who wants my house to look like I don't have a child. I just want a bit more space haha.
Anyway I need to go get Livvy dressed and give her a bottle so i'll catch you guys tomorrow for Toddler Tuesday.


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