Thursday 2 January 2014

Teething Pains

Its funny how that phrase is used for so many things. However in our household its happening quite literally.

We had a rough night last night with a lot of screaming, a lot of interrupted sleep and a very clingy little girl. I hate seeing her in so much pain. I just wish I could scoop her up and zap it away. She's getting her top molars through so that means not one, not two but EIGHT little sharp points she has to push through her gums. I don't know about you but toothache when its really bad floors me so I can totally sympathise. Lets just be glad we can't remember going through it!

Today she seems a little better. Still rosy cheeked, a bit fussy and not wanting to eat much. Then again she hasn't had a big appetite for a while now.

We're going to spend today taking the Christmas decorations down and then cuddling on the sofa watching reruns of Peppa Pig. I swear we've seen every episode a million times over now. I don't mind too much though, its one of the more bearable children's shows.

Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you get up to!


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