Wednesday 1 January 2014


So here it is, another new year.

I wonder how many of us are making the same resolutions that we made this time last year?
Let me guess. Lose weight? Save more money? Stop smoking? How about be happier?

I wonder how many of us will have broken them a week later. Go on hands up if it will be you.

I know for a fact i've made all those myself in the past, minus the smoking one as I've always been a non smoker. This year I think I will take a different approach to resolution making. Instead of making big plans that lets face it I probably won't stick to I am going to make small realistic goals each week.

They won't be anything extravagant, they will be things i've been meaning to get done. Like finish painting my kitchen or organise Livvy's old clothes. They will however mean I can get my life a little more organised, which as any fellow parent will tell you is fairly essential when it comes to having a child.

Just make sure that when you make your resolutions that you don't put too much pressure on yourself to stick to them. If you are starting a diet don't feel bad if one night you indulge in a bar of chocolate. Life is for living and that means having fun, eating well and surrounding yourself with the people you love.

I hope you all had an amazing New Year, whether you went to a fab party or spent it in with your family like I did. Here's to 2014 and all the wonders it will bring!


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