Saturday 4 January 2014

The Best Of Friends

There is someone very special in my daughters life and that is our cat Yuuki. Yuuki has been protective of Livvy since the very beginning of my pregnancy. She would always cuddle up on my bump for hours at a time.

As soon as we brought Livvy home from the hospital they were inseperable. Yuuki would spend hours watching over her as she slept and if she cried she would come up to me and meow. I was always terrified that she would hate the baby and we'd have to find her a new home but I am so glad it turned out the way it did in the end.

Here are a few of my favourite photos of them together.

Now that Livvy is more mobile they have so much fun together. They are always playing little chase games or Livvy will get some string and drag it around so that Yuuki will run after it. I love the way Livvy seems to have conversations with her too. She will often be found babbling away a long story to her when really all the cat wants to do is go to sleep! 

Do your little ones have a pet that they are close too? 
I think its really important for children to have a pet. I think it teaches them how to be kind and gentle.
Let me know some stories about your children and pets!


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