Monday 30 December 2013

My Birth Story

So here it is.

After a routine check up with my midwife at 32 weeks they were concerned that Olivia wasn't growing properly and decided to send me for a growth scan at 34 weeks to see what was going on. To cut all this short it took 3 growth scans and several trips to the day assessment unit with reduced fetal movements for them to finally admit they were worried about the placenta failing as she was not putting on a sufficient amount of weight and on top of that I had a reduced amount of amniotic fluid. After crying to the consultant they finally booked me a date for early induction at 38 weeks, just four days away. Getting the date was a mixture of  excitement about meeting my little girl but also an overwhelming amount of fear at the thought of something going wrong before the induction.

September 26th came and I was admitted into hospital to start the process. Matt couldn't come in with me at this point so fear, nerves and a whole host of other emotions were creeping in. I was alone in hospital and I had just been given the pessary that would start our new lives as parents. After I had been given the pessary I was put on the monitors to keep an eye on Livvy's heart rate, during the first hour she has several dips and at one point it dropped so low that the consultants and midwives rushed in, sounded alarms, lowered my bed and prepped me for labour ward then and there. They put a cannula into my arm, took blood samples and told me what would happen if taken there. At one point the words I didn't want to hear were muttered among the staff "emergency c-section". 

I called Matt to warn him that he may need to get here sooner rather than later. Her heart rate came back to base and the decision was made to keep me on the monitor for a while longer and just keep an eye on her heart rate. 2 hours later and she has settled down slightly but I was starting to get contractions. The midwife examined me and I was 2 cm dilated. The consultant told me to try and get some sleep and they would keep me on the monitor overnight. I tried and failed at sleeping as my contractions were getting stronger and stronger. Nothing progressed overnight though so it wasn't until the next morning at 9 am that Matt was allowed in to see me. 

By this time I had been awake for 24 hours and I was starting to get exhausted. The midwife examined me again and I had only dilated another centimeter overnight. It felt like a smack in the face, my contractions had been so strong and I was convinced I would have progressed further. She said she would be back at 2 pm to examine me again and if I hadn't dilated anymore they would give me another pessary. I really didn't want to go down this route as Matt would have to leave again and being alone was making me so anxious. 
2 pm came and went, I was still awake, still contracting and the lack of sleep was making me delusional and angry that I had been left for so long. Matt was fuming and ready to kick off as it wasn't until 8 pm that they came round to examine me again. Once again I had convinced myself that I must of made more progress as my contractions hadn't stopped all day, despite them not believing me about them as they were ALL in my back and not showing on the monitor. In fact I didn't have one contraction in my stomach for my whole labour. They were all back ones. Hearing them say I was 4 cm dilated was such a relief as it meant they could move me to the labour ward, break my waters and put in the IV to bring my contractions on even more.

I had my waters broken at 9 pm and the IV was started. I rang my Mamma to tell her we were well on our way to finally meeting Livvy and to keep her phone on so I could call her when the moment arrived. Little did we know just how soon that would be. I had managed to control the pain so far with just paracetamol and I wanted to hold off on as much pain relief as possible, However half an hour into getting stronger contractions much closer together I finally gave in and asked for gas and air. 

Things were progressing nicely and the pain was getting worse and worse. I couldn't handle it anymore. I asked the nurse if I could have something stronger at around 9.45 pm and she said she would go and arrange it. At 10 pm she arrived back in the room to me screaming "she is coming I can feel it" To which they replied "Don't be silly its too soon yet!" However she took one look and confirmed my statement. Her head was well and truly there! There was no time for stronger pain relief, I just had to start pushing. I can't really remember much else, it comes to be in dribs and drabs every now and then so maybe one day I will get Matt to give his version of events. 

At 10.15pm Olivia Amelie Metcalfe arrived into our world. She weighed 5lbs 9oz, a good 1lb and 5oz heavier than they had predicted. "I did it" was all I could manage to say. Over and over haha! I cried and cried. I couldn't take my eyes off her. After all the stress and worry that we might of lost her and all the trips back and forth to the hospital she was finally in my arms. She just looked up at me with her gorgeous big eyes as if to say "Protect me." and that I will. Forever.

I was so proud of myself as I thought i'd be begging for an epidural right at the start. Its made me question my own strength. Its made me a better person and I can't wait to do it again.

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