Monday 30 December 2013

I'm back!!

So guys after a year away from blogging I am officially back!

Just thought I would do a little update for you all seeing as it has been so long.

Our little girl is now 15 months old and my oh my has she grown. She is now this beautiful little person with a cheeky personality to match. Here she is looking totally adorable in her Peppa Pig dressing gown the other night.

The only major milestone we are still waiting for is walking. She has done a few unaided steps but is yet to repeat them. We think because she has been concentrating so much on learning to talk she keeps forgetting she can stand unaided so hasn't attempted it recently.

We have had a jam packed year that has been one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. We had some scary moments near the start of the year where we nearly lost our baby girl but she bounced back and is now, apart from a nasty chest infection that won't budge, in perfect health.

Here is our latest family photo, its not the greatest quality because it was a quick webcam snap on Christmas Day.

I really want to stick at this blogging as we head into 2014. Its going to be one of my resolutions that I blog at least twice a week. So help me stick to it please? I may be getting a new camera for my birthday so I am toying with the idea of doing some vlogs. Hopefully you will enjoy my posts!


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