As a mother you put your needs to the bottom of the pile. There's the children, the housework, the cooking, errands, bills and everything else that needs taking care of before you even think about what you need. The problem is if we don't stop and take care of ourselves, not only in appearance but emotionally too, then we aren't going to be able to function properly for the other things that need doing. You can't pour from an empty cup and this is the one thing I need to remember.
So now I've started a simple but effective routine as such for myself every Thursday evening. It's very cliché and something everyone does really. Please excuse the photographs, I'm still relying on my phone until my charger arrives!
The first thing I do is run myself a hot, and I mean hot, bubble bath complete with candles. Okay you say, a bubble bath, what's so special about that? Well in this house its not very often I have the bath to myself. Usually its crammed full of toys, a toddler and a baby, so having it all to myself is a little luxury.
Now I don't know about you but I love to have a drink and a snack whilst I'm in the bath. Usually I'll have a glass of wine and something naughty but seeing as though I've just started Slimming World again I've switched to a cup of tea and a Hifi Bar. To be honest I love these bars and it actually feels like you're having a proper little bar of chocolate.
So after I've sorted that out its time to get in and relax. I'm loving the NSPA range of facial products at the moment. I tend to use the face mask once a week anyway so putting this into my relaxing routine seemed like a natural progression. I get quite dry skin on my t-zone and its brilliant for that. I usually have around half an hour in the bath. Anymore and I just get bored. I used to be able to lie in there for so long but since having Livvy I just can't anymore. I start getting agitated for some reason.
I much prefer getting out after doing my face mask then relaxing in bed with my book for a good hour. I love books, getting lost in someone else's world for a while just seems to calm me down. I'm working my way through No Safe House by one of my favourite authors Linwood Barclay. So not only am I fulfilling one goal by having time to myself but I am also working towards my other goal of reading at least twelve books this year.
Whilst I'm doing all this Toby is usually fast asleep in his crib. He loves it so much and sleeps for hours in it. I always feel so much better after my evening alone. It gives me time to recharge my batteries so I can be the best Mamma to my little ones. I can tell I'm due some me time when I start getting snappy, everything feels like its going wrong when in reality its not. I just need to take a big deep breath and go relax for a while.
So to all my Mamma friends and to any of you who are reading I hope this has made you realise you need to put yourself at the top of the priority list sometimes. You are just as important as your children, your partner and your home. So find something you enjoy and go do it. Put the Mamma guilt behind a door for a couple of hours. Trust me it does you the world of good.
Jem x
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